Stickies icon
Stickies icon

  1. Stickies icon how to#
  2. Stickies icon full#
  3. Stickies icon windows#

Alternatively, you can press Command-M on your keyboard to quickly collapse or expand the note you're clicked on. You can collapse them into little bars to help keep your screen clutter-free!

Stickies icon full#

Maybe you want your Stickies to follow you everywhere on your Mac, but you don't want the full note shown all the time.

Stickies icon how to#

Now your Stickies note will become translucent, like the ghost of future tasks! How to collapse Stickies notes If you have your Stickies note as a floating window, but feel like it's a bit obtrusive, you can make it translucent so that it doesn't feel like it covers up too much of your screen. Now you'll see your note all the time, no matter the app you're using. Click Window in the menu bar at the top of your screen.Create a new note or click on an existing one.Launch Stickies from the Applications folder on your Mac.If you want your note to follow you wherever you go on your Mac, you can make it float on top of every Window, so that even when you change apps, you'll see your Stickie.

Stickies icon windows#

That's it you've made a Stickie! How to make a Stickies note float on top of all windows Alternatively, you can press Command-N on your keyboard.

  • Click File in the menu bar on the top left of your screen.
  • If you need to remember essential tidbits of information, you'll want to use Stickies so that you're not cluttering your desk with real-life Post-its, only to waste paper and lose a phone number from time to time. Or, if you need to remember to lock up the office at the end of the day, you can leave it in behind so that you see it when you close all your apps for the day. If the note is very pressing, you can choose to keep it in front of all windows so that you have a constant reminder. But Stickies notes stay on your desktop as a visual reminder. The app works similarly to the Notes app, in that you make yourself notes so that you remember stuff. Stickies notes are essentially digital Post-its. What's a Stickie, and why would I use it?
  • How to arrange Stickies notes in a specific order.
  • How to make a Stickies note translucent.
  • How to make a Stickies note float on top of all windows.
  • What's a Stickie and why would I use it?.
  • Using Stickies is a great way to keep track of the quick notes you jot down during the day, especially if the subject matter is timely or is of the utmost importance.

    Stickies icon